Interested vs. Committed 4th quarter breakthrough confidence commitment final mile hard work list making motivation May 06, 2023


Interested vs. Committed

Have you ever thought of what the difference is?

Interested is what 99% of us say we are, but the extra 1% (the extra percent that gets us to the full 100%) is...

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Why Getting NERVOUS is a GOOD Thing!! breakthrough confidence confidence embrace your nerves nervous positive self talk preparation public speaking Mar 09, 2023

Why Getting NERVOUS is a GOOD Thing!!

More people fear public speaking than they do dying.


How crazy is that?! I’ll answer that, crazy. Absurd even!

Top Phobias

  1. Public...
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Why Do 99% of Us Focus on Our Weaknesses?? attention breakthrough confidence list making self awareness strengths weaknesses Mar 01, 2023

Why Do 99% of Us Focus on Our Weaknesses??

We are not our weaknesses. Get that through your head right now. As much as the world will tell you that you are who you are at your worst, you’re...

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