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David is a Top 50 Worldwide Keynote Speaker in the World (Real Leaders). From high-level keynotes to in-depth workshops to yearly consulting, David is a captivating storyteller with a style that’s as interactive as it is impactful. David is one the TOP Mindset Speaker/High Performance Speakers in the world today!

Email Lisa Schmidt at [email protected]

 or click the link below.


What Top Companies are Saying About David's Talks

"I appreciated your message and framing everything w/in the confidence, connections and c paradigm. As I lead my team, I’m always looking for ways to structure messaging that organizes things into something easily consumable. I’ve found that w/o tying things together, the messaging is just noise that changes from one ask or action to the next."

- Randall Palm, Akamai Vice President


" The talk was great and have never heard of those tips and tools before. This was a really great talk - David has good energy and plenty of examples. Love his enthusiasm. David Nurse is amazing! Great speaker, GREAT content."

-  SalesForce Execs




"Our team of talented sales leaders and managers are hard to please. David captivated them from beginning to end. The feedback we received from content was amazing."

- JP Arlie, Vivint Sr. Director






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