Where Is Your Paradise?

Sep 16, 2023


Where is PARADISE??

So my wife and I are planning our 8th honeymoon. Yep, 8th..

We don’t really do anything by the book to be honest. 

If people say that you can only have one honeymoon, we have 8.

If people say the spark fades, we increase the flame.

If people say ‘just wait until you have kids,’ we will pour our heart and souls into our children.

The point of the story isn’t that I’m trying to make you feel jealous about the Maui morning sunrises or sunset dinners going down daily. It’s solely for the point that paradise is wherever your feet are.

If you spend your life searching for paradise and think it will come on pristine beaches, or when you have your dream house, you are fooling yourself.

Paradise is about loving the given moment you are in no matter where that might be. It’s about disrupting the norm and being DELIGHTFUL.

Want to really shake up the world? Be different, be delightful. Always speak life, speak encouragement, speak supportive love.

And when you do, every day becomes the paradise you always wanted it to be.

Paradise isn’t about where you are, it’s about who you are and who you are to the ones you love!

Everyday can be your Maui day!


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